Monday, December 25, 2006

Goodnight, Christmas

After having a busy busy day, we settled in for a long winters nap! Posted by Picasa

In the midst of chaos

This is where it aaaaall happens! We went to Lauren and Lily's house to open presents. I scored big with a tool set, a dinosaur, a Cars tent, and some fashionable clothes. We sure missed Nathan and Nicole!!! Posted by Picasa

Horsing around with Drew

Drew and I started monkeying around. I'm sure he'll be babysitting me soon! Posted by Picasa

That CRAZY Will!

We went to St. Louis for Christmas, and got to see those craaaaaaazy Stafford cousins of mine. I was listening to Will (playing with my Mommy here) tell me all about. . .well. . .everything! And I think Hank (the dog) got kind of jealous of having ANOTHER little one around. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Who in the WORLD is that?!?

Some jolly old fella' in a funny suit came for a visit. I stared at him for a few minutes before deciding what to do. That's when I freaked. Daddy and I sat next to him on the couch, but I sure wasn't going to get near him! Posted by Picasa

Just us Markees

Grandpa and Nonnie had Daddy, Mommy and me over for a good Christmas dinner. Posted by Picasa

My very own corn popper!

Grandpa and Nonnie gave me a corn popper. I could walk around with this thing all day long!! Posted by Picasa

On the first day of Christmas. . .

Aunt Marybeth and Uncle Matt gave me a ring set that stacks and plays music. How did they know that's EXACTLY what I wanted?!? Posted by Picasa

Me and my cousins

All of my cousins from St. Louis came down for my birthday (Nicole, Lauren, Nathan, Lily). They watched me have my first birthday cake. . .even though it did not sit well with me, I still had a great time overall! Mom's theory = too much sugar for my system! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hi-o Zebra, Away!

For my birthday, I got a bouncy zebra. Within the first minute, I fell off it twice. But, I got back on that horse (zebra) and kept riding! Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 03, 2006

woof woof

I went trick-or-treating as a dog. You should've seen me get down on all fours-- this made my Mommy and Daddy laugh uncontrollably! I racked up on some candy, but gave it to Daddy. I have to look good for my birthday party this weekend! Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 20, 2006

MOOving right along

I got a little practice for Halloween (Birthday Eve, as I know it) by looking like a cow. Bathtime is one of my favorite times of the day! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sick AND Tired

I've been a little under the weather this weekend. But that's okay, it gives us reason to just lounge around and take naps with Daddy. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 18, 2006

Me and the girls

We went to a park in STL and I watched my cousins Lauren and Lilly run non-stop! I wish I could keep up with them Posted by Picasa

Visiting Grandma Samel

We went to St. Louis for the weekend. Grandma showed me more toys than I've ever seen in my whole life! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Yes indeed, I'm walkin'

I took my first steps about a week ago and haven't slowed down since. It's fun to teeth and walk at the same time.
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Coming to you Live from Germantown

Mommy hooks up a camera to our computer and Grandma and Grandpa Samel are able to see me strut my stuff. I can't wait to visit them. . .and see my FIRST Cardinals game!
 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Strike a pose!

Did someone just call me cute? Posted by Picasa

Visiting with some old friends

We met up with Mr. Chris and Mrs. Sarah for breakfast. I heard she has a baby in her tummy, but I didn't see it. Posted by Picasa

Rocky Mountain Hi!

We took a trip out to Denver for Mr. Sajit's wedding, then drove up into the Rockies. Daddy drove us pretty high up, but I couldn't tell the difference! Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

The biggest bathtub ever!

I went to visit Aunt Terry and Uncle Henry (Godparents) to go for my first dip in a pool. I splashed a lot until I learned that's a good way to get water in my eyes! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

why is Santa holding a flag?

I was in my very first parade today with Grandpa and Nonni. Some Liberty lady and my Uncle Sam (who's side is he from?!?) were there too. It was as hot as a firecracker but I didn't mind one bit. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Found a winner

Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Jeanne brought me back from World Cup my first Brazilian jersey. Maybe we can move to Brazil so I can play for a winner. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

World Cup fever!

Evan and Eric, my friends in Boston, got me a soccer jersey all the way from Ireland. Between that and the all the soccer Daddy and I have watched, I'm trying to stand so I can get out and play as soon as possible! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


They dress me like a bleacher bum when I go for a walk. That's okay, though--all the girls still turn their heads. Posted by Picasa